Hart InterCivic’s Verity Voting Tops Competition in Liberty County

As the newly elected Liberty County Clerk, Lee Chambers saw room for improvement in the County’s aging election system and began exploring better options soon after taking office. Her pursuit led the County to adopt the new Verity® Voting system from long-time election partner Hart InterCivic. Verity stood out above the competition in meeting Liberty County’s needs.

Request a Verity Demo: 866-216-4278

Chambers started with the list of verified vendors provided by the State of Texas and checked out their offerings online. Her team then contacted the vendors to ask detailed questions and receive pricing information.

“Almost from the start, the print-on-demand system by Hart InterCivic seemed tailor-made to our needs. It allows us to continue to use paper ballots, but eliminates the guessing and errors associated with pre-printed ballots,” she said. “The equipment has a high-tech efficiency that makes using paper ballots reasonable.”

“Thank you, Liberty County. You’ve chosen the easiest, most secure voting system on the market.” said Phillip Braithwaite, President and CEO of Hart InterCivic, an Austin-based company with more than 100 years of experience providing election solutions. “Verity will serve your county well for many years.”

First federally certified in 2015, Verity replaces a Hart system in use in Liberty County since 2005. Running for office gave Chambers to the opportunity to talk to voters about the election process and what changes they wanted. Of course, budget was a consideration.

“The Verity print-on-demand system has a cost effectiveness that made it easier to justify over the fully electronic systems,” Chambers said.

Verity will debut in the County for local elections on May 4, and Hart staff will be on-site this month to help with testing and training. “We are looking forward to conducting mock test elections with the new equipment by several groups across our county,” Chambers said.

Liberty County voters will cast their marked paper ballots with the easy-to-use Verity Scan digital scanner/tabulator.

Verity is designed and built in Texas where more than half of the voters cast their ballots on Hart’s election technology. Switching to Verity is a natural next step for those ready to purchase a new system.

During the competitive period, Hart’s team facilitated stakeholders’ decision-making by providing presentations and demonstrations for the County Election Board and Commissioners Court. “The people at Hart InterCivic were great to work with throughout the process,” Chambers said.

Liberty County joins a growing number of Texas jurisdictions moving to Verity. Since the Texas Secretary of State certified the latest release of the system in late 2016, Hart has shipped more than 10,000 Verity devices across the State. The trustworthy and efficient system is also in use in numerous counties throughout the U.S.

Braithwaite expects more Texas and national announcements in the near future.

Learn more about Verity in Texas:  https://www.hartintercivic.com/texas/

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